Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Joyful Joyful Love in Lent
We were thinking of another encore song just in case the crowd goes “MORE!!” a second time after the concert. We were going for another upbeat song, and the Love Medley came up. one of us said we can’t sing that because it’s Lent, and I retorted, but Lent IS about LOVE! And she laughed.
It’s true. The overall feeling during Lent is one of sadness. More than the emotions carried on by reflecting or meditating, it’s an easier thing to channel in sadness than reflection. Why is it that we try to curtail happiness and joy during this season? Why does being solemn almost always mean silence, seriousness and sadness?
No, I don’t want to be all happy and giggly and jubilant all throughout the season. I know I have to save some for Easter. Nor do I rejoice in Jesus’ pain. I cringe at the thought, and I have cried over it too. I do not mean to say that crying over it once has already saved me from giving much thought in that focus of LENT. Not at all. I just want to emphasize the fact that the great celebration of life and love that this season of Lent highlights is sometimes dimmed by our fears and inhibitions. We think that just because this season ends in Christ’s death, we should look at that as the focus of everything. The reason Christ died, why we are here now, and why we have to be reminded every year of our own sins, is because of HIS GREAT LOVE. We are shamed because we do not deserve this love, that’s why we feel sorrow. But He did not die to shame us. He wants us to believe that He went through the pain of death because He wants us to be happy. Let our tears flow, but more so because of gratitude and happiness that our God loves us so much and we shall never feel alone or abandoned ever again.
I would not attempt to speak for everyone, but I know I am not the only one in the world to feel happy doing something extra during the season of Lent. My little sacrifices make me feel… liberated. It’s a wonderful feeling of “I am bigger than this suffering and nothing or no one can stop me from doing this sacrifice.” Even if no one knew what you were doing, you can’t help but smile because of your daily triumph of fulfilling your self-imposed sacrifice. Works of charity… a dent in your savings? Most especially if your savings meant your daily ration. Doesn’t it give you that extra feeling of joy that instead of doing this for yourself, you’ve offered help to a more needy person? There’s pain, but the greater feeling there is joy. An overwhelming feeling of satisfaction.
I don’t think God wanted us to spend 40 days in shame, sorrow or pain. I don’t even think He wants us to stop a reason to laugh and be merry. I know that Lent is a season for quiet reflection, and I am actually thankful for this time to settle down my flurry of emotions to focus on what God has done for me 2000 years ago, and continued in my own life time of 26 years. But my quiet reflection brings me a surge of happiness that I want to sing, shout and dance! To glorify Him! to tell the world of the great love of my God-though crucified and frail on the cross. That image continues to bring me down to my knees. But I can see Him looking down at me, smiling. What greater reason is there then do I seek that would stop me from jumping up again and embracing this Lord that continues to supply me strength even in His last breath?
The whole reason I feel jubilant is because I know Lent does not culminate in the last of 7 last words “It is done.” It, for me, may mean IT has happened. The death that enveloped my Lord. and yet IT is NOT DONE! The LOVE of my Lord who rose after 3 days. I know of this story. It is no myth. No legend. If I lived in His time, I would have sulked endlessly til I see Him again. but I live in this century. And I know the story of His Love that did not end in death but continued on to His glorious resurrection and still continues to TODAY.
There is no reason to forget our sins and blindly think to continue sinning anyway we have a merciful God. The reason to celebrate is not in the callousness and indifference but in the acceptance of our need for salvation. It is only in this realization and acceptance of our need for His Love that we can really be saved. This liberating feeling to see that we are not alone and have never been alone. And that the joy that we now feel brings us to sharing a love we never knew we had. That is the miracle of Lent. That is no reason to sulk about. Rejoice then. Be ever joyful. Be ever loving. 9march2007
tweenkies_1106 at 8:33 PM