Tuesday, March 13, 2007

giving in to sappiness

I guess there must be something wrong when you start to cry over happy endings and feel angry over romantic movies. Maybe it’s the frustration. The feeling of desolation in the midst of fluttering eyelashes and misty-eyed silent communications. I guess there must be something amiss when I start trying to flood my surrounding with loud music, only to realize that all I have in my laptop are the sappy love songs that would only feed my loneliness.

I guess I’m beginning to deny the fact that I am lonely. That I feel there’s something missing when I watch those movies. That I feel there’s something lacking during long nights alone and I can’t find my sleep.

I want my Mr. Darcy. The one who can see me and love me for who I am. With all the scars, physical or no, flaws and even the skeletons in my closet. The Mr. Darcy who can come out of his usually comfortable seat walled away from the world only to pursue me. Or maybe, I can be that Darcy who would be willing to run around the world for my Elizabeth./

tweenkies_1106 at 11:06 PM



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